Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Acer Aspire One - vpnc tutorial - sample Universität Zürich

Prepare your Acer Aspire One

1. Press 'Alt-F2', write 'terminal' and press 'Enter'.

2. Download the kernel module 'tun.ko' by typing the following into the terminal: 'sudo wget'

3. Now copy the module where it should be by typing the following:
'sudo cp tun.ko /lib/modules/'
'sudo mv tun.ko /lib/modules/

Of course it's possible to download the file directly to the right place:
'sudo wget /lib/modules/'
'sudo cp /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/'

'' is the current kernel version (after 9 it's an 'l' as in 'lima' and not a 'one').
You find your version by typing: 'ls /lib/modules'. If you have a different version just replace with your version number!

4. Finish by typing: 'sudo depmod -a'.

Create the configuration file and customise it
1. Go to the place where the file should be placed by typing: ' cd /etc/vpnc'.

2. Create the file by typing: 'sudo vi uzh.conf'.
Although 'vi' is not very intuitiv, but every GNU/Linux Distribution comes with it, and by following this tutorial you're able to use it in order to create and customise the configuration file. If you prefer another editor, just take the one you like.

3. Once the editor's opened in the terminal, type the following: ':i' and press 'Enter'. You're in the 'insert-mode' now.

4. write:
IPSec gateway
IPSec ID 'groupName'
IPSec secret 'groupPassword'
Xauth username 'sXXXXXXX'
Xauth password 'yourPassword'

a) don't write the quotation marks ' '.
b) 'groupName', 'groupPassword' can be found on the website of the Zurich University:
go here
c) Xauth password can be set or not, it's up to you!

5. In order to save the file, press 'ESCAPE', your in the command mode now. Then type: ':wq' ('w' is for write, i.e. save the file and 'q' is for quit.

Customise the File Rights
1. Type in the terminal:
'sudo chmod 644 /etc/vpnc/uzh.conf'
'sudo chown root.root /etc/vpnc/uzh.conf'

Start / end the program
1. In order to start the program, type in the terminal: 'sudo vpnc uzh'
2. In order to end the program, type in the terminal: 'sudo vpnc-disconnect'

More Information on how to enter the internal section of the Zurich University by a vpn client can be found here.

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